2017年1月22日 星期日

[廚房實驗] Jamie Oliver's Classic ratatouille 普羅旺斯燉菜/法式雜菜燴

Jamie Oliver's Classic ratatouille 帥哥主廚的普羅旺斯燉菜/法式雜菜燴
REF: http://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/vegetables-recipes/classic-ratatouille/
2 red onions 兩顆紅洋蔥
4 cloves of garlic 四瓣蒜頭
2 aubergines 兩條茄子
3 courgettes 三條節瓜
3 red or yellow peppers 三個甜椒 (紅 or 黃色)
6 ripe tomatoes 六個熟番茄
½ a bunch of fresh basil 半把新鮮羅勒葉
olive oil 橄欖油
a few sprigs of fresh thyme 幾根新鮮的百里香
1 x 400 g tin plum tomatoes 一罐番茄果肉罐頭
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar 一大匙葡萄醋
½ a lemon 半顆檸檬
  1. Prep your ingredients before you start 開始前先準備食材
    • trim the aubergines and courgettes, 茄子, 節瓜切片 --(A)
    • deseed the peppers and chop into 2.5cm chunks 甜椒去子切塊 --(A)
    • peel and cut the onions into wedges 洋蔥切塊 --(B)
    • then peel and finely slice the garlic 大蒜切片 --(B)
    • then finely slice the stalks  把羅勒葉的梗切成一段一段 --(B)
    • roughly chop the tomatoes 番茄切片 --(C)
    • pick the basil leaves and set aside 挑出羅勒葉放到一邊 --(D)
    • 準備最後用的檸檬皮削削 --(D)
  2. 先把食材A 炒過, 放到一個大碗裡
    • Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a large casserole pan or saucepan over a medium heat. 把兩大匙的油放到鍋子裡先預熱
    • Add the chopped aubergines, courgettes and peppers (you may need to do this in batches) and fry for around 5 minutes, or until golden and softened, but not cooked through. 把食材A (茄子/節瓜/甜椒) 放進鍋子炒約五分鐘, 直到這些菜變成金黃色 or 軟了, 但不要煮透
    • Spoon the veg into a large bow 炒好的食材A (茄子/節瓜/甜椒) 呈到大碗裡
  3. 把食材C 放到鍋子裡炒過, 然後把之前炒好的食材A 放回鍋子裡, 並加入剩下的食材
    • To the pan, add the onion, garlic, basil stalks and thyme leaves with another drizzle of oil, if needed. Fry for 10 to 15 minutes, or until softened and golden. 把食材C (大蒜/洋蔥/百里香葉) 放進鍋子炒約 10~15 分鐘, 直到這些菜變成金黃色 or 軟了
    • Return the cooked veg to the pan 把之前炒好的食材A 放回鍋子裡
    • stir in the fresh and tinned tomatoes 把番茄罐頭和食材C (新鮮番茄) 都倒進鍋子裡
    • stir in the balsamic and a good pinch of sea salt and freshly ground black pepper 加入紅酒醋, 一搓海鹽, 和黑胡椒
  4. 把鍋子裡的東西攪拌好並開始燉煮
    • Mix well, breaking up the tomatoes with the back of a spoon. 攪拌, 並把番茄用糖池的被後搗爛
    • Cover the pan and simmer over a low heat for 30 to 35 minutes, or until reduced, sticky and sweet. 鍋蓋蓋上, 並小火燉煮 30~35 分鐘
    • Tear in the basil leaves, finely grate in the lemon zest and adjust the seasoning, if needed. 在上面放上食材D (羅勒葉和磨碎的檸檬皮)
  5. Serve with a hunk of bread or steamed rice 可以吃了! 和麵包 or 米飯一起上桌



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