Jamie Oliver's Beef and ale stew 帥哥主廚的啤酒燉牛肉1. Put a casserole pan on a medium heat, put the following ingredients and fry for 10 minutes
REF: http://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/beef-recipes/beef-and-ale-stew/
3 fresh or dried bay leaves
500 g quality diced stewing beef
500 ml ale, Guinness or stout
2 sticks celery
2 medium onions
2 carrots
2 lugs of olive oil
1 heaped tablespoon plain flour
400 g tinned chopped tomatoes
1 tea spoon sea salt
few grinds of freshly ground black pepper
- 2 sticks celery - Trim the ends off your celery and roughly chop the sticks. 切芹菜
- 2 medium onions - Peel and roughly chop the onions. 切洋蔥
- 2 carrots - Peel the carrots, slice length ways and roughly chop. 切紅蘿蔔
- 2 lugs of olive oil 隨便倒兩次橄欖油到鍋子裡
- 3 fresh or dried bay leaves 放三片月桂葉進去
- 500 g quality diced stewing beef (The meat should be cut into approximately 2cm cubes. Packs from most supermarkets are normally about that size.) 一盒燉肉用的骰子牛肉 (500 g)
1 heaped tablespoon plain flour 一茶匙麵粉(不想買麵粉所以沒有放, )- 400 g tinned chopped tomatoes 一罐番茄罐頭 (400g)
- 500 ml ale, Guinness or stout (Lots of people said that it tastes bitter if you use Guinness.) 一罐 Guinness 啤酒, 不過 Jamie 的網站有人留言說用了這牌的啤酒, 燉肉會變得很苦. 但我實測之後並沒有苦味.
- 1 tea spoon sea salt 加一茶匙海鹽
- few grinds of freshly ground black pepper 倒個幾次胡椒粉
煮滾後, 關小火燉煮
- (1) first put the lid on for 2.5 hrs 首先加蓋子煮 2.5 小時
- (2) then remove the lid for the final 0.5 hrs 然後不加蓋子煮 0.5 小時
煮好了! 把月桂葉拿起來, 然後就可以吃了